SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Abekan金魚 純米吟醸
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旬の趣 凛
My husband had reserved this restaurant for drinking with an acquaintance, but his partner was suddenly unable to make it, so he brought us there instead. We started with Abe-kan. I had never had this sake before, so I ordered it. The aroma was not assertive, but the taste was soft and very fruity. What kind of fruit? It's hard to give an example because of my lack of experience, but I just say it has a strong fruitiness 😅.
Hello, salt musubi😃 Unexpected couple drinking 🤗This restaurant looks like it has a relaxed atmosphere 😌. Abekan! We've been into it lately 😋😚 It's delicious 😚.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😊 We had a great time at this restaurant with a great atmosphere and delicious, carefully prepared food, and we said to each other that we would definitely return 😆. It was our first time at Abekan and we can see why you are addicted to it 🍶.