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Hanaabi八反錦 純米大吟醸 磨き四割 無濾過生原酒
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GW Sake Activity Day Part 2 (4) [We enjoyed a variety of excellent sake at Sake-Drunk Daigo 😁. We had another bottle of this sake at SHIMA & coffee & saké the other day 🍶. Hanaohayo, Hachitan Nishiki Junmai Daiginjo, 40% Polishing, Unfiltered Nama Sake. Pineapple aroma, juicy mouthfeel, sweetness, and a sweet pineapple aftertaste. The "Orikarami" I drank at SHIMA the other day was like a slightly sour pineapple before it ripens, but this one is like a fully ripe, juicy, sweet pineapple 😋. The label "THE PREMIUM" is no exaggeration ✨. It's so nice to see two "Huayouyosu" in one week 😆.
Sorry for the sudden comment: 🙇‍♂️ I'd love to drink a Huayoukai 🍶 ‼️ I haven't come across it yet and would love to taste it when I find it✨
Hi, Jive! I love the hana-yori! Is Hachitan-Nishiki characterized by its umami? I had my first Hachitan-Nishiki at Jikin, and I remember being impressed by its great umami 😊. Nice liquor store 🎵
Nice to meet you, mov12 😁Thank you for your comment✨. Are you from the Kanto area? It's a sake from Saitama, so there's a good chance you can find it, so please try it 🍶.
Good morning, ma-ki-. I can't drink "Hanahayo" very often, so I have to drink it when I find it 😁. [I've been seeing a lot of Hachitan-Nishiki lately, but I can't remember the last time I had a good one 💦.