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Akabu純米 ひやおろし純米ひやおろし
Akabu Check-in 1Akabu Check-in 2
Akabuki Tanki after a long time The first Hiyaoroshi this year. I visited Hasegawa Shuten's store for the first time. The store was crammed full of sake on display. There were many different kinds of sake we wanted to drink, but we had to give up due to the refrigerator problem. This time, I made a reservation on the online shop, and used the service that allows you to leave your order at the store. I'll leave it at that. Well, it's delicious as always 🎵. The matured aroma of pear and melon mature. It is juicy and full of flavor, and when you swallow it, it shows a light and dry face. After all, it is a food wine 🎵. This time, I paired it with cheese and salami for dinner🎵.
Mark0795 Good evening ^ ^. Hasegawa sake shop is good👍. I want to go there once😊. AKABU is delicious, isn't it ☺️? This is one of the bottles I would like to have when I go shopping on the 18th😁.
Good evening, Mark0795! 😄. I went to Hasegawa sake shop when I was working alone~! I have good memories of walking back to Morishita with a bottle of 😆 Hououmida 👍.
Manta-san, good evening 😃🌃 I went to Hasegawa Shukaten's Kameido store, and I was so excited to see the variety of their products. I'm going to buy it again!
MAJ, good evening 😃🌃 That's a good memory 🎵. I drove to Kameido and drove around Tokyo for the first time in a long time. It was a nice change of pace 🎵.