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Kakurei特別純米 山田錦 ひやおろし特別純米ひやおろし
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酒 Market
In the nearest department store A fun new sake bar has opened 🍶 in the basement of the nearest department store. It's in a fairly conspicuous location It's hard to call it a "hideout", but The lineup of half-priced sake is only ¥500 per half-pack. and you can compare the different types of sake for a great price 🉐✨. After all It's a department store! Easy and casual is the best ✌️ Tsururei Hiyoroshi and Ocean 99 of Kangiku Compare and contrast.... Tsururei's volume and full flavor‼️ Rich taste ‼️ satisfaction 💯. Even though the lingering summer heat is severe Autumn will be here soon! I believe it!
Hi Asanami 😃90mm for 500 yen would be nice 😆 I'd love to have a quick drink or two on my way home 😃. The lineup is pretty good too 😆I'm jealous ❗️
Asanami, I didn't know it was built in Tobu - I thought there was a wine corner🍷 but I didn't know they had sake too - I'll stop by next time: ❗️
Good evening, Mr. Manachy! I was grinning and worrying about my favorite lineup 😁 Two drinks on the way home is 🍶ideal! I want to try 🤭 with a strong will.
Good evening, Harry! I didn't know it was open. It is just beyond the wine corner 🍷. The waitresses are calm and cozy 👍Gentlemen & ladies were talking quietly next to each other. Genteel ✨but in full view of the sales floor 😆.