SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Kumonoi袋しぼり 純米吟醸 さかほまれ原酒生酒
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Kansai Sake no Wa🚃Hanzai Train Off-line meeting 8 cups Sake brought by Mr. Jive from his hometown Fukui It's my first time to drink Fukui sake! Thank you 🙏. Sakahomare 100%. Rice polishing ratio 55 Alcohol 16%. Rich, slightly banana-like and fruity. Not too sweet, so it would be great with a handsome meal. It was delicious with Sakeran's special pork steak with Maru's secret spice. ❣️ Thank you, Gyve-san, for the sake of Sakahomare, a label I've never seen or tasted before 🙏. Gyve-san, who carried the heavy box all the way, is a strong man who rides his bicycle for long distances 💪. And as you can imagine, he was very attentive and kind 😊.
Ponchan, I am envious of your off-line meeting with the chin-chin train. The scenery you saw on the drinking train must have been exceptional. And that too with 8 drinks... I am so envious of you.
Hi Pon, ☀☀☀. Thanks for the review ✨ I hope it was to your liking, but it was too minor 😅. I couldn't help you prepare anything beforehand, so I should at least help you the same day 😁.
Hello Nobu Nobu ☀☀☀☀. I was too distracted by the drinks, but I enjoyed the scenery, the garage and many other things 🎶20 drinks a little bit each, and I fully enjoyed the drinks 😊 I hope to see you again!
Thank you very much, Gyve 😊. First time in Fukui, first time in Kumonoi, it was delicious ❣️ really rare sake, I might not be able to drink it again even if I wanted to... I regret that I should have tasted it more 💦 It's far away, but let's drink it again🎶.