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KoeigikuSNOW CRESCENT原酒生酒無濾過
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I was very confused about whether or not I should open the bottle today! If I open it, it will lose its freshness and I have to drink it up... 😇😇😇    What? Is this drinkable? (My own personal setting)    I can't drink it all by myself. (The devil whispered to me, "If you're off tomorrow, you could do it.)    I have to work tomorrow. I'm so conflicted, but in the end I opened the bottle 💨😅. I'm going to have a sip while watching the last episode of "Gekkokujo Kyuuji" 💨. (Note that it's not a gulp. ‼️) I have about 2 cups left 😅😅😅) Yopamemo_φ(____) Excellent stability The bottle was opened with a pop. It has been in the fridge for a while, but it has a great freshness. It is a stable taste as always! Very tasty 😋😋😋😋. Thank you very much for the food 🎶🎶🤗
Good evening, sake-loving land surveyor! Sunokure Yamadanishiki is delicious🤣It's amazing that you have about 2 gou of it left! (◎_◎;) Even a cup of sake is gone in two days, so I'm amazed you could stand it. ‼️ I'd like to learn from you 😆💦.
Good morning, Masa 🎶. No, no, no, you are the one who got a square in 2 days 👀‼️ I can't copy that 😅😅 But if it was snocre, it would be empty in no time 😋.