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Hatsusakuraニューハツサクラ 生酛太郎 純米吟醸 吟吹雪 火入れ
Hatsusakura Check-in 1
Hatsusakura Check-in 2Hatsusakura Check-in 3
This time it is Gintaro-kun from New Hatsusakura. This sake is from Tsuchiyama, Shiga Prefecture. I went to the brewery openings in Konan and Koka City, Shiga Prefecture, where many members of the Kansai Branch participated, and decided to bring this sake home with me. Crystal appearance. First at room temperature. It has a sweet, raisin-like aroma with a mild mouthfeel. It has a mild mouthfeel. When you take a sip, you will taste a sweet and sour taste like a persimmon with a soft sweetness from the savory rice flavor. The bitter and astringent taste is mixed in with the lingering rice flavor, which slowly fades away. When served hot, the aroma of freshly cooked rice and the clear sweet and sour taste are enhanced. It's just so good, just the way I like it! It was the right decision to bring it home. Spring Tokaido Sake Brewery Festival, This year, six breweries participated in the festival and shuttle bus service was available between the breweries. Hatsuzakura and other breweries also had stalls at the Kisogawa Station, which is the base of the festival, This is a great event where you can enjoy the atmosphere of each brewery across the city and taste sake from Konan. It was a great day to get excited and drink.
Good evening, Peco 🦉. I see you bought this sake! I was saying it was warmed up, but I didn't know it tasted that good 😳I'm not ready for it yet 😂I'm happy to drink my first love 🤣. I was more than happy to meet you 😊💕
Good evening, Pon. Hatsukoi is the most popular one and everyone said it was delicious 💕Namaishihotaro is my taste, but it is delicious, so please come sometime! I was so happy to see you, Pon-chan, I had to pinch you with my wings 😆.
Peco-san, good evening 🍶. I thought it would go well with heated sake as well, but I always drank the Ikashihotoaro series of sake cold, probably because it's chilled. Maybe I'll try it heated next time 🤔. Pon-chan this is sour 😂.
Hi Hirupeko 🍶. A few years ago, I was so impressed with the Yamada Momoe I drank at the inn that I drove to Yasui Sake Brewery😅. I haven't had it since it became new, but it sounds delicious. I wish I could drink it again 😋.
Good evening, Mr. Tsukemogami. We also had Yamada Momoe! I was wondering if I should call Momoe Yamada "Ms." when I asked for a tasting 💦 Please try New Hatsusakura and see for yourself 😊.