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Yamawa純米吟醸 山田錦 pulito プリート純米吟醸
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I haven't been to Miyagi or Sendai for a while. Selected Miyagi sake, hoping to drink with Colonel Lal and Ami. I didn't drink much Yamawa. I was curious about this label, so I asked them to open the bottle The aroma is sweet like cotton candy The taste is a crisp white wine? The entrée was very hearty, so I had some cold noodles with shiso plum paste to finish the meal, and I was full! I will visit again because Seriri sometimes serves various kinds of rare sake! I'm looking for a place to drink sake in Kumamoto on Thursday and Friday! Will there be any good encounters? extensive knowledge pulito" means "clean, clear, refined" in Italian and was named by Italian sommelier Luca Gardini. (Luca Gardini... World Winner of the Worldwide Sommelier Association 2010) Rice used: Yamadanishiki produced in Okayama Prefecture Polishing ratio: 50%. Sake meter: +1 Acidity: 1.6 Alcohol content・・・16
Shin-san, it's been a long time 😁. I'd love to have a good time with you again while talking about something silly 😄. Yamawa is a very local sake, and relatively new as a brand. Narusegawa has been more well-known locally for a long time 😊.
Colonel Lal, I will let you know when I decide to go to Sendai. Let's have a quick visit with Mr. Kiyo, Mr. A, and Mr. T in Ami🍶.