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Miyanoyuki純米吟醸 愛山 火入れ純米吟醸
さなDThe rice used is, of course, Aizan from Hyogo Prefecture. My favorite "Miya no Yuki" ✖️ "Aizan" combination. I can't see any reason not to buy this ✖😋. Naturally, it is as good as expected❣️. It has a fruity sweetness that is typical of "Aizan", and it's a relatively crisp dry sake. I'm not sure how many I've had, but it's the lightest and most refreshing Miya no Yuki I've ever had. It may be the most light and dry of all the Aizan. If you drink it more slowly and deliberately, you will feel more depth, but this weekend I drank too much.
MantaSana D. Good morning ^ ^ ^ Miya no Yuki, I honestly did not know 😁. I'd like to drink it with a meal, so light and dry is good👍. In the future, it is necessary to check 😊.
tkmtsHi Sana D, I don't think I've ever encountered snow in the palace💦. Interesting that it's light and dry in Aiyama😺 I want to drink it stupidly this weekend!
kzsh1017You drank a lot of it. I miss Miya no Yuki. The label has changed a lot.
さなDHello, Manta-san! Miya no Yuki seems to be a sake that is mostly distributed only in the local area. The other brands are the type that the flavor comes slowly, but this one is different. Please try it.
さなDThank you tkmt for your comment😊. Miya no Yuki is one of Mie's hidden gems. It's good to go out with a bang, but you lose the memory of the taste. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
さなDGood morning, kzsh2017 ❗️ I've only recently discovered Miya no Yuki, and I'm very jealous of what you know about the old days. The brewery has a nice atmosphere here❣️.
kzsh1017Miya no Yuki used to be one of the three most famous sake breweries in the world.
さなDHello, kzsh1017! That's right. Kinmiya shochu liqueur is quite famous and sold well, but did you put your power into that?
kzsh1017I don't know the details, but I didn't know that I was doing soju.