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熊谷 朋之熊谷 朋之
Tenmeibangehanafubuki origarami ichibi 蔵椿純米
Tenmei Check-in 1
Tenmei Check-in 2Tenmei Check-in 3
熊谷 朋之
Good evening! (^○^) Today was a warm day. I haven't seen a temperature of plus 7 degrees Celsius in a long time (lol). Today, my wife did her best to get rid of a project she had been struggling with, and as a prize for her hard work, I brought her home some top-quality sushi from a little-known sushi restaurant in the next town over. (^O^) I forgot to take a picture... I forgot to take a picture...(^_^;) It was very tasty. Then, thinking about what to drink, I took out Tenmei from the refrigerator. I found this brand at "Gin no Sake Kibune" in Morioka City. We wanted to make the rice and the brewer, who grew up in the same land, had the same wind, sun, and water as us, to feel the atmosphere that is unique to the Tenmei brewery, the small sense of the four seasons in the brewery garden, and our beloved hometown, Aizu-bange. We are starting a series of "Kura*ichibi". A brand with a lot of thought. At a glance, the label looks like a white wine. The taste starts with a well-balanced umami, followed by sweetness and a slight acidity. It has a subtle and unique flavor. Is this a characteristic of the Aizu Sakashita Hanabukiyuki sake rice? It is very easy to drink, yet it is not boring to drink. This is a characteristic of a good brand. My wife is also satisfied (laugh). It was very delicious! (^O^)
Good evening 😃 Good job on your hard work for your wife😍. I didn't know there was one in Tenmei with Hua Fuyuki 😮. I would love to drink this 😆.
Tomoyuki Kumagai, good evening 🌇. Nice work on your wife 👍. The label is also suitable for girls, and I'm sure your wife would have appreciated it: ❗️
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, etorannzyu! (^O^) I was grumpy in the morning and was in high spirits at night when I finished submitting my project (lol). When I saw the tub of Kami-Sushi, I was in high spirits (explosion). I wonder if Kibune-san still has it?
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, Haruei Chichi! (^O^) With a label that looks like a white wine, Tenmei would be a no-brainer! I thought it was a good idea, so I bought it and kept it. I was pleased with the sake, but I was overjoyed with the top sushi (lol). I made the mistake of not taking a picture of it.