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Urakasumi特別純米酒 生一本特別純米生一本
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Hibiya Park (日比谷公園)
National Fish Market & Fish Market Festival @Hibiya Park Urakasumi Tokubetsu Junmai Sake Kiippon" (Shiogama, Miyagi) 🍶. Urakasumi Junmai Sake was also available, but I chose Kiippon 👈. It was a smooth drink and went well with the oyster clam chowder 😋. --------------------- On Saturday, November 19, I went to Yurakucho Yomiuri Hall for the TBS Radio "Jane Soo: Life is Dance" event! I went early and visited the antenna store at Tokyo Kotsu Kaikan first 😆/ I bought Yubari melon soft serve ice cream and ate it while watching the Shinkansen 🚄 at the rooftop garden on the 3rd floor 🍦. Somewhere to grab a quick drink before the doors open! 🍶 and started walking around and said "Oh by the way, there was a poster for a food event at Hibiya Park 🤔" So I decided to go there 🚶. Lots of stores and quite a crowd! 👀
熊谷 朋之
Hello, Aaru Sake. Tokyo Kotsu Kaikan seems to have antenna stores here and there, but what about the selection of sake? I'm interested in Nagasaki Prefecture and I'm thinking of visiting there next time.
Good evening, Tomoyuki Kumagai! It's a fun place to visit, but don't expect to find a large selection of sake...💦Some of the antenna stores are small and cozy... 🙂.
熊谷 朋之
Thank you very much. m(_ _)m
Good evening, Mr. Aaru Sake 🌙 Sounds like a lot of yummy fish dishes! Good to have some sake too👍😄
Good evening, Pon! It was great to unexpectedly attend this delicious event 😋 After the mackerel skewers and negima skewers, we headed to the Fukushima booth 🍶.