SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
琵琶のささ浪竹 純米吟醸純米吟醸
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What sake do you think is secretly good among Saitama sake? Biwa no Sasanami. More than 10 years ago, when I was going to an izakaya in Kumegawa, I asked the master, "What sake do you usually drink with your evening drink?" I asked the master, "What sake do you usually drink with your evening drink? This fire-aged, 60% polished junmai ginjo has a pretty good balance of freshness, umami, acidity, and bitterness👍. 3 wild vegetables (udo, bracken, and fuki) Spinach with sesame paste Teriyaki chicken thigh
Hiraccio-san Good evening. I had stayed away from Biwa no Sasanami because I thought it had changed its taste. But when I read the report, it looks good. I will try to drink it again. Udo is a specialty of Saitama! It tastes good when you grow up.
Good evening, Mr. Nochi😊. I think it had been more than 5 years since I had a good drink too. I would like to taste Saitama's udo as well. Wild vegetables, bitter taste is delicious when you grow up, isn't it?
Hi Hi Hiraccio, ☀️ I've been liking and paying attention to you for probably 10 years now, but I think it's hard to break into the market. It seems to fit the recent trend...
Jurian, good evening😊. You've been on my radar for a while now👍. I haven't had it for quite a while this time, so I would like to pay attention to it again. This fire-aged Junmai Ginjo was quite well-balanced.