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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
Two sakes of Toyoake from Ishii Sake Brewery in Satte, Saitama Prefecture! First, we start with the Toyoake Ichigekai Series - G-yeast. Ishii Shuzo was founded in 1840. 
The slogan of the brewery is "Ichi-Ichi-Ichi-Ichi-Kai" (meaning "one drunk, one happy"). It is a brewery that takes on challenges while respecting tradition so that those involved can become "prosperous and cheerful. The Ichi-Seikai series is a one-time experimental brew. G-yeast is brewed by a brewer in his third year of brewing. The sake rice is Saitama Prefecture's own "sake musashi" and the yeast is Saitama Prefecture's own "Saitama G yeast. The sake rice is "Sake Musashi" and the yeast is "Saitama G Yeast," both unique to Saitama Prefecture. Saitama G yeast is a yeast that produces high levels of ethyl caproate. The appearance is yellowish crystal. The aroma is of sour fruity apples, steamed rice, and spice nuances. You can feel the power of Saitama G yeast🍎. In the mouth, sweetness like juicy honey apple and fine dusty acidity like sparklers spread gently and disappear softly. The aftertaste is short and slightly astringent on the tongue. Moderately interesting taste ☺️ The acidity is gorgeous while the sweetness is strong, balanced, and delicious 😊. It was a delicious sake for those who love apple-based 🍎 sweet taste 🍶. Thanks for the treat 🍶.
Good evening, Aladdin 😃. I drank this one too and it was shockingly good😳 It tasted like raw sake even though it was fire-brewed 😊.
Good evening, bouken😄I'm glad you enjoyed it since there were only a few bottles left! It was a weird one, like directly pumped and fired, but I was surprised that I liked the aroma and taste so much 😳I'm sorry that I can't drink it anymore since there are only 120 bottles left 😢.
It was so good, I'm considering to mail order it 😅The brewery still seems to have it in stock 😊.
I'd like to try some of the other Toyoake's as well 🤤.