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酒縁 しょう榮
Asahitaka Nama-zakari and cold-stored sake drinking comparison The green bottle is fresh-stored from December to May, and the brown bottle is cold-stored from June to November. The first one is raw 🍶. The aroma is quite subdued. Tangy texture and gentle sweetness The mouthfeel is firm. Full flavor of rice Slightly spicy with a touch of alcohol I think the raw is a little more floral sweetness than the cold stored. I honestly can't tell the difference 🤣🤣🤣 They taste similar. Please forgive my stupid tongue 👅 for posting this! It's an all-you-can-drink eatery, but the food is surprisingly good! The owner explained each drink in detail! I felt his enthusiasm and enjoyed it a lot! I love that place 🧡🧡. The fourth photo is from our trip to Mt. The weather in the mountains changes rapidly! One moment it was drizzling 💧 the next it was clear 💧. The next moment it's sunny 🌞. Enjoying the natural scenery This photo is a view of the magnificent Asahi mountain range on the Sea of Japan side 🌄.
Good evening, superbebe! I love the comparison! That being said, the spectacular view of the Asahi mountain range is awesome 😊. It is truly magnificent ✨
Good evening, ma-ki-. Thank you. The view was amazing🤗. However, there is a lot of snow ☃️, so crampons ❄️ and trekking poles are a must!
It's hard to find the route when you're wrapped in gas in a snowbank. It was all white. I was scared 💦😅.
Good morning, superbebe 😃. I see you are enjoying your trip to Yamagata: ❗️ It's great that you have not only Jyushidai, but also Asahi Taka in your bag 👍. You even climbed Mt. Gassan ⛰️
Hi Haruei Chichi 🎈. Thank you 😀 I love mountain climbing and the great outdoors 🌲🌲. Whenever I come to Japan for a drink, I will arrange some climbing activities ⛰️ Enjoy the beautiful scenery of Japan🗾🎌.