SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites


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This sake is made in Itoigawa, Joetsu Region, Niigata Prefecture, by a brewery that loves cats😼 and music🎸. The "Red" is made from "Takananishiki" and the "Black" from "Gohyakumangoku. The "Red" we purchased this time is fresh and juicy, but does not lose its Niigata-tanrei style, and has a great sense of balance that keeps you from getting tired of drinking it 👌. First and foremost, the label on the bottle is very cool ✨It's a design that makes you want to buy a packet (...is that becoming a dead word now?). The design makes you want to buy a jacket (...is it becoming a dead word now?). The brewer is a music lover, after all, and he knows what he's doing.