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Brands from Negami Shuzoten


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Kinmei is a local Shizuoka sake known only to those in the know! It is consumed mainly only in Gotemba, Shizuoka Prefecture, and is not widely distributed anywhere else! The austerity of the label gives a sense of the history of the local sake! This time, I'm going to drink it cold. So we opened the bottle. The top aroma is a delicate, elegant sweetness. The color is a beautiful amber. The color is unique to junmai sake. When you put it in your mouth...oh, this is delicious! It has the mellow rice flavor that only junmai sake can have, and an elegant smoothness that leaves no cloying taste! The flavor spreads as the temperature rises from Hanakazuke to Hana-yellow. This is definitely a good sake even when heated! This is a delicious local sake from Shizuoka! Thank you very much for the good sake!

Brands from Negami Shuzoten