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Brands from 吉久保酒造


3-chōme-9-5 Honchō, Mito, Ibaraki
map of 吉久保酒造
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Online drinking parties are becoming a semi-regular occurrence, but it's always a bit confusing to find the right knob. In such a situation, mackerel from Koshida Shoten and vinegared mackerel from SABAR were the highlight, so we all ordered this sake. I had actually had this sake at a restaurant before and had a good impression of it, so I felt confident in recommending it. The sake is a special sake for mackerel, and it goes very well with mackerel (placebo effect?). I am very satisfied. However, the fish has a certain amount of strong habits, so an easy-drinking sake such as Niigata junmai sake would be too much for it, while a more assertive sake such as ginjo would fight with the mackerel. In this sense, the choice of brewed sake is exquisite. Although it is a brewed sake, the alcohol taste itself is not too strong, and the rice flavor is relatively minor, making it a delicious sake on its own... but! However, once combined with mackerel, it creates an extraordinary synergy that drowns out the unpleasant smell and aftertaste peculiar to mackerel, and further amplifies the rich flavor of the mackerel... It's not just for mackerel, it's also reasonably priced, and if you're in an area where you can get good mackerel, this is a must-try brand.

Brands from 吉久保酒造