あやさんUnspecified11/15/2023, 1:37:52 PM9あやさんGlory Fuji Delicious, but comes back a bit later.Japanese>English
あやさんUnspecified11/15/2023, 1:36:38 PM10あやさんOze snow melting I hope it's not too late.Japanese>English
あやさんUnspecified11/15/2023, 1:05:57 PM9あやさんChitose Tsuru Cloudy but not nearly as frizzy, but no repeatJapanese>English
あやさんUnspecified11/15/2023, 1:04:51 PM15あやさんWOW! A little frizzy at the end? No repeatJapanese>English
あやさんUnspecified11/15/2023, 1:04:02 PM15あやさんMorishima Easy to drink like water, but no repeatJapanese>English
あやさんUnspecified10/28/2023, 1:21:54 PM12あやさんfirst year of the sexagenary cycle (in onmyou-dou) normal Fairly tasty normalJapanese>English
あやさんUnspecified10/28/2023, 12:46:37 PM13あやさんmusical instrument Tasty, but maybe a little fussy.Japanese>English
あやさんUnspecified10/28/2023, 12:44:10 PM12あやさんcoming to Fukuoka Easy to drink. Fluffy in the mouth. I want to drink it again DeliciousJapanese>English
あやさんUnspecified10/28/2023, 11:32:27 AM7あやさんperson proud of their rocky shore Like water. Not that much.Japanese>English
あやさんUnspecified10/28/2023, 11:31:42 AM6あやさんjade A little fussy Tasty, but not something I would drink againJapanese>English
あやさんUnspecified9/29/2023, 11:51:56 AM11あやさんNabeshima Easy to drink I want to drink againJapanese>English
あやさんUnspecified9/29/2023, 11:51:24 AM9あやさんOcean 99 Easy to drink I would drink it again Japanese>English
あやさんUnspecified9/29/2023, 11:50:56 AM11あやさんFruity Easy to drink I want to drink it againJapanese>English
あやさんUnspecified9/29/2023, 11:50:15 AM11あやさんrice wine Very tasty! I want to drink it again! Easy to drinkJapanese>English
あやさんUnspecified9/1/2023, 12:59:44 PM9あやさんNice, but a little quirky I wonder if I'll try something else...Japanese>English
あやさんUnspecified9/1/2023, 12:58:21 PM9あやさんA little quirky. Not the kind of thing you'd ask for.Japanese>English
あやさんUnspecified9/1/2023, 12:57:51 PM9あやさんNo quirks easy to drink I want to drink againJapanese>English
あやさんUnspecified8/31/2023, 11:17:40 AM10あやさんEasy to drink and cheap I would drink it againJapanese>English