SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Hanaizumi Check-in 1
Hanaizumi Check-in 2Hanaizumi Check-in 3
Kitakyushu Sake Shop Drive Sake No.5 Before heading to Kitakyushu, we went to Hisayama Sake Shop, which we had wanted to visit for a long time. I was told that there was a rare brand of sake that was not sold in the liquor stores in Fukuoka City. The interior of the store is a wooden structure with a relaxed atmosphere. In the fridge, there are only one bottle of various brands in stock, and they are not neatly arranged (in a good way), but rather placed in a disorganized manner. Searching for sake is like a treasure hunt! Each bottle has a card explaining the product, so you don't have to worry even if you have a problem. This may be the best store I visited during my visit to the liquor store! I chose Hanaizumi, which is my first brand from the same brewery, although I sometimes see Loman! Cold sake! It was neither too heavy nor too light. neither too sweet nor too spicy. It is a very medium-bodied sake, not too heavy, not too light, not too sweet, not too dry. It has a good volume. Very good as a food sake