SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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It was kind of a snack menu dinner, so I made a day of drinking in a hurry. Today's sake was Asakai's Suijin🍶. It's been a while since I've had such a dry sake, and the first sip was a shock 😳 As you drink it, you get used to it and can really taste the umami. Unfortunately, however, it does not go well with food 😭. I had a light Japanese menu consisting mainly of vegetables and fish, but the direction was somehow different 😭! I felt it was 🌀🌀 It is very assertive and dry, so I thought it would be good with rich meat dishes.
Good evening, Mr. Salt Musubi😃. I'm looking at the food lined up on the table and I'm thinking of sake today 🍶! 🤗. If you have various kinds of sake in the fridge, you can compare them 😅.