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Shisora紅葉ラベル 純米吟醸 無濾過原酒 火入れ純米吟醸原酒無濾過
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The next combination could be the strongest. The red one is the one I was told to save when I came for lunch last week The other is a purple space. I have encountered many kinds of shiju since I first came across it here at Fukurokuju at the beginning of last year, and I had this autumn leaf label last year, too! This summer has been extremely hot, but it's starting to look like autumn in Sapporo. The taste is calm and sweet. Delicious! I ordered fried oysters again! This is a rare way to eat oysters! Knowing the Skills Rice: 100% Miyamanishiki Polishing ratio 55 Yeast: Giovanni's research Alcohol 15% (Unpasteurized) Sake Degree -2 Acidity 1.7