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Gassan裏月山 縁 しぼりたて無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Ura-Gassan is a rare sake with very limited distribution and is a challenge sake made by the brewer and a volunteer sake shop. The liquor store from which it was purchased said that it was the best sake in a poll of the best sake in the liquor store that has been held for the past 10 years. It must be delicious, as the seller has given his stamp of approval. First of all, the aroma after opening the bottle is very nice. It smells fruity, like mango and mandarin oranges. The taste is also fruity, like a fruit mix. It is a dark liquor, as it is called "original sake," and there is not much bitterness in the aftertaste. This is tremendously delicious. According to the liquor store, because of the strong flavor of the sake itself, it is better to drink by itself or with strong flavored food than as a food wine. This is true, and it would probably go well with meaty Western-style dishes. It is very rare, but if I see it again, I will get my hands on it. Purchased from: Asahiya Sake Shop