Nabeshima特別純米 生原酒
Thanks for all your hard work on GW: ❗️
I've been busy with work and I've been working hard on the housework since the elementary students and my mom were away at games all week 🧺.
So I'd like to say well done to all of you 💁.
The balance of the excellent "Tokujun of Tokujun" in my opinion, Nabe-sama ❤️
My personal preference is Tasake for fire-roasted Tokujun and Nabeshima for Nama.
The aroma is 🍎gassy and all the flavor elements are exquisitely balanced without being too assertive in their own right. This is still too good 😊.
Can be drunk with a meal or on its own, this is still the best ‼️
Good morning Seigo 😃.
GW family help wonderful👍.
Nabe-sama's special pure! It's well-balanced ‼️ we love it too, but we haven't had it raw yet 🥲I'd like to try it 😋.
Good evening Jay & Nobby, I really like ⭐️ Nabeshima special pure raw and I buy it at Pochi whenever I get a chance😊It's well balanced ❗️ really tasty😊.