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Oroku純米大吟醸 舟掛35 無濾過生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過槽しぼり
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The third and last of the three Oroku sake from the Oroku Sake Brewery in Matsue City, Shimane Prefecture, on the first anniversary menu at the Yamanaka Sake Shop Eki Marché Osaka in Osaka Station🍶. This is Ohroku Junmai Daiginjo Funakake 35 Unfiltered Nama-shu. This is one of the finest bottles of Oroku. It is brewed with locally grown Yamadanishiki from Shimane, polished to a 35% rice polishing ratio, and aged for about 6 years from H29BY. The appearance is crystal with a sense of amber, giving the impression of maturity. The aroma also has a refreshing iodine aroma with a sense of maturity. In addition to the robust aroma typical of orthodox sake, there are nuances of koji aroma accompanied by sourness. The texture is very smooth. The texture is very smooth, with a freshness that does not make you feel that it is an aged sake, yet it is accompanied by a hint of rounded acidity that is not unpleasantly stimulating, and from the umami that gives a sense of thickness, a soft sourness drifts in, and when you think you have tasted a round sweetness for a while, it disappears with a whiff of acidity. The sweet iodine aroma is also present in the overtone. It has the softness of an aged sake, but at the same time it has a freshness that is not typical of an aged sake, which is a strange feeling. When it rolls on the tongue, it is interesting to see how it changes from a stimulating acidic flavor to a refreshing umami flavor. Thank you very much for the sake.