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Sogga pere et filsリア サケ ナチュレル生酛
Sogga pere et fils Check-in 1
Sogga pere et fils Check-in 2Sogga pere et fils Check-in 3
To be continued... Sogapère Ephis. As you know, this wine is also delicious. It tastes like a white wine with a refreshing sweetness and acidity. It is crisp and refreshing. It says something about a mixture of yeast from No. 1 to No. 6 and natural fungi, but the text is really small and there is too much information, so I am sorry I can't see it at this time anymore because I am an erudite. I received the flavor well and will buy again. Now, after the shumai in the takoyaki machine, I made takoyaki 🐙. I put cheese and kimchi in the takoyaki and it turned out great, showing the true nature of Kansai people in vain. The trick is more water, tenkasu and green onions 👌 The night view is of the Northern Alps with the city lights of Ina City. It was the day before the Aquarian meteor shower, and we were lucky enough to see a shooting star. I wish you a chance to taste delicious sake x3
HIRO, I'm with you 😃. You continue to have good taste in drinks 🤗. I had a 🐙taco party🌕 the other day at home too and will refer to it next time! I'd love to see shooting stars🌠 in the wonderful starry sky🌌🥹.
Jay & Nobby-san ☺️ I have decided that Sogape and Shinshu Kamerei are a must buy when I find them lol. Tacopa is so exciting and fun 😊. I was so happy when I was quietly looking at the night sky and exclaimed "Ah! I was so happy when I was looking at the night sky quietly and exclaimed "Oh!