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Kamikawataisetsu特別純米 辛口特別純米生酒
Kamikawataisetsu Check-in 1
Kamikawataisetsu Check-in 2Kamikawataisetsu Check-in 3
The aroma is faintly rice and sour. When you take a sip, it is crisp, soft, but with a deep umami flavor, and the mouthfeel is slightly thick. The sweetness spreads, followed by sourness, and finishes crisp and clean with a slight alcohol taste. The aftertaste is a lingering sourness and umami. On the second day, it still has a lot of energy. The bitterness may have increased slightly. The bitterness rises softly in the sweetness and umami, and then it escapes into the nose. After the third day, it is easy to drink like water. It has sweetness and umami, and can be drunk smoothly without getting stuck. It is a dry sake with a full-bodied flavor.
Hi Kotaro 😃 We also enjoyed the red Junmai about a month ago 😋 and this Ginpu also looks delicious with a strong dry flavor 🤗I will get it when I see it 👍.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌙 The dry Tokachi that you two were drinking also looked delicious 😆. It was also a very satisfying dry sake with a strong umami taste 👍✨.