SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Hidakamiひたかみ 超辛口 純米酒 +11純米
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If there are no more sweet jungin types, let's go with dry! The last dish was a hot meat sauce gratin! It was mashed potatoes topped with meat sauce and baked in the oven! Mix it well, put it in your mouth hot, and now for the dry sake! Sweet and sour meat sauce goes well with dry sake! To be honest, I really think that sake is an alcoholic beverage that can be easily matched with any food and accompaniments! Let's have another glass of dry sake tonight! extensive knowledge Hidakami's super-harsh junmai sake is sold only at a limited number of stores in Miyagi Prefecture. This is a gem of a dry sake that is super-harsh but also full-bodied and umami. It goes well with blue fish and red meat. Rice used: ・・・・ Hitomebore Polishing ratio: ・・・・60 Sake degree: ・・・・+11 Acidity・・・・1.7 Alcohol content・・・・・15-16