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Minamiカラクチ THE BOON! 純米生原酒純米原酒生酒
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晩酌家 つるじろ
We decided to eat out for dinner and went to our favorite izakaya 😁. When I entered the restaurant, I immediately asked what fish they had in stock and was told that "Hamachi" was good, so I immediately ordered some sashimi 😆. I was looking for something to drink when I saw that they had Karakuchi from the south 😆. I immediately ordered it 😊, the aroma is fruity, but it is dry and crisp with a strong acidity. It goes well with meals 😄. The "Yosakoi" festival was about to start and the place was packed with people, so we didn't stay long and went home.
Good morning, Kano-san. Fish and dry sake are the best match 🎵. Dry, rugged, honest sake! It's a solid image 🍶. Yosakoi festival looks so hot ⤴️
ma-ki-chan, the Yosakoi Festival is in full swing from the 10th, and the heat is great. I would like to drink at home today because it is full of people. Of course... haven't decided what to drink yet, looking forward to your review 😄.