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Koshiji no Kobaiうすべに純米原酒
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Koshiro no Kohbai Usubeni Junmai Genshu A gorgeous spring-like bottle When served chilled It has a clean and fruity aroma. It is light on the palate, with some tangy acidity and astringency, like a light white wine. It is refreshing and easy to drink. When it comes back to room temperature, it has a crisp dry taste with soft rice sweetness and umami, and is delicious with meals. === Ingredients: Rice (domestic), Rice malt (domestic) Malted Rice - Gohyakumangoku, Kake - Koshiibuki Rice polishing ratio: 60%. Alcohol level: 16 degrees Sake Degree: Acidity: Chilled, Room temperature 720ml 1,430yen The sake "Koshiji no Beniume" contains the wish of the brewer to make a sake that is graceful and elegant like the red plum blossoming in Echigoji, and to make the drinker feel kindness. === ★★★★☆