SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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I always buy seasonal products from Sakaegawa. Hiyayogoro became available this month, so I immediately went to the liquor store 😄. The labels and bottles are all in autumnal attire 🍂. My expectations are also high: ⤴️ I opened the bottle on the day of purchase! There is not much of an aroma, but when you take a sip, you can feel the rich umami of the rice. The spiciness spreads quickly from the mid-palate, and although it has a nice sharpness, the spiciness lingers. In my opinion, it is quite dry. I think it is drier than Eikawa's summer sake. However, it is a great food sake that gives you a strong sense of rice flavor that is typical of Eikawa 😊. This makes me look forward to the next new winter sake again: ✌️
Good morning, HinaHanaMama-san. I see that enjoying one favorite brewery's sake each season is a very good sake activity ✨. I've never seen Eikawa before, so I'm very curious 🎵 Sake with rice flavor that goes well with meals - drooling 🤤!
Good morning, ma-ki-😃Thank you for your comment. I know it's cheeky for an amateur like me, but I think it's difficult to figure out how to make a brewery's seasonal products unique. It's fun to enjoy that 😆 Please give it a try: ❣️