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Senkinオーガニックナチュール 2024〈0.0:ドブロク〉生酛にごり酒
Nigori Sake - Super Ancient Method Additive-free yeast Wooden vat brewing Nama yeast 2023-2024 Nigori Domaine Sakura Kame-no-o 100% used Polishing ratio 90 Alcohol content 13%. Sake meter - Acidity Fat: The bottle was opened on 3/22 and the first bottles were bottled on 4/6. This sake seems to be made with a lot of care. The sake is very well made and has a very nice aroma. The aroma is a mix of Sengoku's unique sourness and sweet dobrokku aroma at the same time. When you put it in your mouth, you feel a pleasant gasiness and tingling sensation, and then the sweet sourness fills your mouth and recedes without leaving a lingering aftertaste 😳. This is awesome! The cheeses I paired this with were Gorgonzola and Pecorino Romano 🧀. The salty taste of the cukes went well with the sweet sake 🤩. Yum! On 4/6 Sat, I took a break from horse racing and went to see cherry blossoms with my family 🌸we go every year to a park where there used to be a horse race track ⛲The blossoms were only 6-7 minutes old but it's always a beautiful place (bottom 2 photos of the 4th photo) and the top 2 photos are of cherry trees along a canal in Kawasaki🌸they were in full bloom🌸I love this time of year😍I wish I didn't have hay fever If only I didn't have hay fever😅
Hello, kozo 😃 Sentori doburoku! We too opened the bottle easily and enjoyed the supernatant 😋 but after that the oriod dance 💃 was awesome 🤗 it didn't seem so sweet 😅 the taste changes every time you drink it 🤔.
Hi Kojo 🐦. I'm sorry I didn't buy it because everyone says it's delicious 😅I also like the fact that it goes well with gorgonzola! The cherry blossom viewing is very beautiful 🌸
Jay & Nobby. Good morning...I think this might be my favorite of the Senkou Оnature drinks😍As you said, not too sweet and a fun change of taste...
Pon. Good morning 🥰. This Оnature was delicious 🥰I often have 💦I wish I had bought it 😅The sweet drink went well with the salty cheese 🌸It's all in full bloom with this warm weather.