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Kikumasamune Check-in 1Kikumasamune Check-in 2
Kikumasamune Check-in 3Kikumasamune Check-in 4
October 14, 2023 Drinking dinner at home. Before the physical checkup, but I am losing weight steadily. So, I had a light drink with a cheat day in between. The second bottle was Kiku-Masamune Shiboritate Ginkap. I had been curious about it for a long time, but I was told that it was I heard that it was renewed in September, so I decided to buy it. I took the opportunity to buy it. It is a regular sake, but it has a strong aroma and a fruity taste. It has a strong aroma and a fruity taste, and is easy to drink. and easy to drink with a fruity taste. It is also reasonably priced. It is also reasonably priced, making it an ideal bottle for everyday drinking. I enjoyed it with mozuku tempura and other dishes. I enjoyed it with mozuku tempura and other dishes.