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Takemichiblue H29BY 仕込21号純米生酒無濾過
Takemichi Check-in 1
Takemichi Check-in 2Takemichi Check-in 3
A few years ago, when I first started enjoying sake, a clerk at an antenna store in Shimane told me that he personally recommended a Shimane sake called Ohroku, which is not available here, so I looked for a distributor and bought some. I don't remember what it tasted like, but I do remember thinking that it was some kind of samurai-like sake.... Although it is a Jokai brand name, I bought it for the first time in several years due to the liquor store's strong recommendation. They released a little bit of the 2017 vintage that was ready to drink. The aroma is full-bodied and nutty, like nuts and avocado. On the palate, hmmm? What is this... sweet... or so I thought... but it is not sweet... the savory, aged-like richness comes with a gulp and quickly disappears with a strong acidity, sh.... It's a sensation I've never had before, and it's delicious. After opening the bottle, it rounds out and softens. There may be a slight bitterness in the aftertaste. The fullness and umami are still there, but the mouthfeel becomes gentler and easier to drink. I didn't get the impression that it was particularly like a samurai, but I would like to try a Super-Oroku or something like it again. It may be difficult to age a sake at this level, but I hope to encounter it again when my taste buds have grown up.
Good morning, Kotaro 😃. The presence of the King's Rake is very samurai-like 😊. I didn't know about Jodi 😅 2017 vintage! The name Takemichi made me think of Timelapse ⁉️ 😆 Tasteful rice is easy to understand!
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! I'm sure you're right, Takemichi is a torybe... I couldn't time leap to 2017... 🤣I'm sorry for my poor impression, but I'm glad to hear that 💪✨I'll keep working on it ☺️