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Hankyu Department Store (博多阪急)
Since it was Friday, I stopped by to buy something to take home and found that Hana-no-Rusu was having a sake tasting, a popular sake at the sake brewery opening 😊. Hana no Dew: Shiboritate Junmai Daiginjyo Nama Genjyu A blue bottle of freshly pressed Junmai Daiginjo-nama sake, which seems to sell out every year at the Jojima Sake Biraki. It has a gorgeous aroma, a delicious rice flavor, and a clean throat. Hana no Dew Junmai Ginjo Shiboritate Nama Sake Local Yamada-Nishiki produced in Jojima is polished to 55%, giving this sake an elegant aroma and an easy-to-drink taste. Hana-no-Dew Nama-no-Nama-Shu Freshly squeezed and easy to drink. The 15% alcohol content was too much for my tired body. This first tasting was an ume (plum) sake made with a junmai (pure rice) sake base and apple juice added. I could drink this one today. I don't know if I can put it here 💦 extra notes. Day 3: Even more drinkable and tasty with carbonated water 😊. Paired with mackerel mentaiko and freshly made mentaiko that I bought at a mentaiko factory event. Alcohol content: 8 or more but less than 9 degrees 720㎖ ¥1,540