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Kikutaka〜Hummingbird〜純米 無濾過生酒純米生酒無濾過
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日本酒とおつまみ Chuin 新町店
Sake and Otsumami Chuin Shinmachi Store's November SAKE club "Tasting Aged Nama Sake". The 4th sake is the oldest one this time 😳 2018BY. This sake is aged for about 5 years. It is "Kikutaka - Hummingbird - Junmai Unfiltered Nama Sake". This is the last sake brewed by Mr. Katsuaki Yamamoto, the current head brewer of Koei Kiku. Kikutaka is a full-bodied sake with a robust flavor, and is originally suited for aging, as Mr. Yamamoto himself decided to sell only one bottle because he wanted people to be able to enjoy the changes after opening the bottle. It may not be what he expected, but he must really want it to mature this much 😄. The appearance is pale yellow crystal with snowy lumps of tailings dancing in places. The aroma is unique, with a very matured feel, so-called "old incense" 🤔. However, the mouthfeel is very mild, starting with the stimulation of sourness on the tongue, followed by thick sweetness and umami, and it finishes without any unpleasant tanginess. The flavor has not lost any of its richness and roundness despite being aged for about 5 years 😳. I have never had Yamamoto Toji's Kikutaka before, but it was delicious and showed the quality of the original sake and the core strength of the sake 😊. This is the turnaround. Next up is the 5th sake 🍶.
Hi Aladdin 😃 I was going to go to chuin after Nemuchi and I went to the Japanese sake festival, but I had to give up because it was full until 8pm 😥I've never had chrysanthemum hawk before, so I'd like to compare it with Koei Kiku 😋.
Good evening, bouken-san 😄If you were still interested in drinking it after the Japanese sake festival 😳If you have some left over, you can drink it after the next day, so it's a good choice 😎I personally thought Kikutaka was rich and full-bodied, while Koei-Kiku was more sour and modern 🤔. I was under the impression that Kikutaka was rich and full-bodied and Koei Kiku was more acidic and modern 🤔.