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Jikon特別純米 火入れ特別純米
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Let's have another drink! The waiter says the secret menu includes "Jijimasu". Is it a fruity sake? The waiter replied that it is not so sweet and fruity since it is a special junmai sake and is fire-aged! But I'll drink it! The waiter was right! Tonight's five sakes were sakes that tasted of acidity 🍶. This is such a wallet-friendly restaurant where you can drink and eat quite a bit for such a reasonable price! I will come back again! extensive knowledge Rice : Koji/Yamadanishiki, Kake/Hachitanishiki Rice polishing ratio :60 Sake Degree :±0 Acidity : 1.7 Alcohol Content :16
Good evening. Is the secret also 500 yen per drink? I don't think I'll get a chance to go there, but it's a bad restaurant lol. There seems to be a Takachiyo, but I wonder if it's the one with kanji 🤔.
Good morning, Mr. Sake Brewer. The secret sake is 980 yen. The black bottle on the menu. The regular menu used to be 390 yen (490 yen if you show the coupon on the food log). Due to the recent situation, the price was raised.