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自然酒 Check-in 1自然酒 Check-in 2
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Yajima Sake Shop 1800/4180 yen Junmai Ginjyo Usu Nigori Nama Sake 15.5 Sake brewing rice 60% 2024.03 People are saying it's Shinsei Day. We don't have anything like No.6 at home and have never seen it 😱. I was going to drink some Tenfrog, but then I thought... No.6, what is that, is it good? I was going to drink a No.6, but then something rebellious started to come out.... If it's a frog.......it's only Niida.... No, I opened the bottle thinking now is the time for NIIDA 😊. It's so delicious it's funny 🐸It's good to have a slightly carbonated beer on a day like early summer 😊Slight nigori...my throat is begging for the next one 🐸The sourness makes my body tremble 😊. It's a chorus of frogs 🐸Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow... Geko, geko, geko, geko, geko.