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At a drinking party with my co-workers (2) At an izakaya full of the sense of place, the second sake is selected from a local sake menu of 5 sake discoveries. I thought it had been a while since I had tried Toyo Bijin, but it was sold out, so I went with this one, which was a first for me. It is Shikizakura ARUSHIROI Junmai Ginjo. ARUSHIROI is a junmai ginjo sake made by women for women. It is brewed by Aki Imai of Utsunomiya Shuzo with Gohyakumangoku rice grown by Tomoko Nishioka of momo farm, and creator RARIYOSHIO was in charge of the bottle design, etc. Sorry for my uncle's drinking 🙇. By the way, ARUSHIROI is taken from the passage "Arushiroi Tsukijin no Ouka ya" from the book "Kamiyu no Niwa" written about Shimogamo Jinja Shrine in Kyoto. I heard that it has received many awards, including the IWC Silver Award in 2022 and the Kura Master Platinum Award, but I did not know that! The aroma is well chilled, and perhaps due to the time that has passed since the bottle was opened, the only aroma is that of sake-like sake spirit and a hint of acidity. The taste was quite dry, with a thick rice flavor based on a firm acidity. The alcohol content is 17 degrees, making it a very authentic sake. I had the impression that this was a sake for sake women.
Hi Aladdin 😃 Here is Shikizakura! I've seen it at Sake no Wa but haven't had a chance to drink it yet 😅Just as the Sake no Wa Tochigi Women's Association was launched yesterday 😆 so it's like a bottle of ‼️ for that purpose 🤗.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😃 This is the first time I've heard of Shikizakura 😳. I thought it is not a modern sake for girls, but a real sake for people who really love sake and for the Tochigi Women's Club 😄.
Good evening, Aladdin😄. If it's Tochigi sake, which is for Tochigi Women's Association, you must drink it ‼️ If you do, please join us, Jayko 🤣.
Good evening, Tsubu-chan 😃. No, really 😁I'm sure we'll have this as a toast at the next Tochigi Women's Club 🥂🍶. It's going to be just a cosplay Tochigi party with a lot of self-proclaimed female historians attending, but it's also going to be a lot of fun 🤣.