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Masaaki SapporoMasaaki Sapporo
Firando Check-in 1Firando Check-in 2
Firando Check-in 3Firando Check-in 4
Masaaki Sapporo
7.5 points (Wife driving...) Specific name : Junmai-shu Alcohol percentage : 9-10 Ingredients : rice, rice malt Rice used for making : Domestic rice Rice Polishing Ratio : 70 Sake Degree : -70 Acidity : 4.0 At Mori Sake Brewery Sweet grape-like topping The same fruity aroma, soft rice flavor, and plump sweetness as the topping spreads with citrus-like acidity, and then quickly recedes with a lingering sweetness and rice flavor. The sweet and sour impression is more like a sweet white wine than a sake. It is more of a dessert sake to be drunk by itself than a food sake. It was nice to talk to the president's wife, who is the mother of Toji Mori and the proprietress of the brewery, about many things.
Good morning, Masaaki Sapporo 😃. Did you go to Hirado❓ Wow ❗️ Hirado is my mother's hometown, but I haven't been there recently, so I envy you👍.
Masaaki Sapporo
When I went back to my wife's parents' house, I took the opportunity to visit Sechibaru Onsen and involved my parents in the trip (lol).
Masaaki Sapporo-san Hello! I see you went to the brewery of Hiran. ❗️ I like it. I'm from Nagasaki, but I've never been to Hirado... I'd love to drink some sake from the brewery next time I'm back.
Masaaki Sapporo
Good evening, Yoohee-san! I like Hiran brand, so I went to the brewery 🍶 The people at the brewery were nice and easy to talk to, so please 👍!