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Gakki Masamune別撰 中取り 特別本醸造特別本醸造中取り
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おにぎり処 あみ
Another bottle! The sake taster's favorite, Gakki! He says it is very cost-effective! It's alky, but you can't feel it! If you don't know, it tastes like Junmai Ginjo. Freshly opened, fresh, good sake 🍶! extensive knowledge The rice used for this sake is Yumeko, and while the normal Honjozo is made with 60% Koji rice and 70% Kake rice, the Special Honjozo is made with 60% Koji rice and 70% Kake rice, which gives it a more gorgeous aroma and a clearer flavor with less cloying taste. In addition, only the "Nakadori" portion, which is considered to have a well-balanced flavor, is bottled. The fresh, slightly effervescent mouthfeel is balanced with a fruity flavor reminiscent of elegant muscat, making it a sake that goes down smoothly with a glass of sake.