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かき沼千住 nomiyoko
I was caught off guard. I had no idea it was such an energetic drink. I blew out a great deal of it. The desk and luncheon mat drank more than a little. I was full of remorse. The rule of the house-drinking club is to let no one drink a bottle but yourself. This is a self-serving interpretation, but... In my case, I did not let anyone else drink it, but I let my desk and luncheon mat drink it. I may have to take responsibility and resign from the house drinking club. By the way, the point of this drink is its drinkability. It tastes like calpis and is easy to drink. It is not too light, not too umami, and has a perfect balance. Balance is a very important element in sake. Fruity sweetness is good, and sake rich in umami is also good. However, the more these characteristics are emphasized, the more sake fundamentalists will turn against them. Fruity and wine-like is fine, sparing and champagne-like is fine, but you are Japanese, and your sake should not exceed the sake category. No, you can go beyond, but the Japanese will not like it. That is why balance is important. This sake has a good balance. That is why this sake needs a sake brewery with a sense of balance that can quarrel with champagne while retaining its value as sake.