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Kirinzanぽたりぽたり 五百万石原酒生酒
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This is POTARIPOTARI, a winter limited edition sake from Kirinzan. Kirinzan was my favorite brand of sake when I was transferred to Niigata. At the time, Dengara and Rinkara were my favorites, and together with Echino Ketora, they were the driving force behind my first sake boom. Potari-Potari is Kirinzan's winter release of freshly pressed unpasteurized sake, with the green bottle of Gohyakumangoku released in November and the blue bottle of Koshitanrei released in January. Last year I drank each one separately, but this year I wanted to compare them, so I stocked up on the Ihyakumangoku without drinking it. Potari-Potari Ihyakumangoku is a very tasty sake with a fresh, fruity aroma and a hint of sweetness that is typical of Niigata sake, while being clean and dry. The unique nuance (taste of water?) of Kirinzan that we have become accustomed to is also clearly perceptible, and I personally find it to be very delicious. It is a very satisfying bottle for me personally. Today, I had it with seafood yose-nabe, and it was a perfect match, as it should be. Of course it goes well with Japanese food in general because it is more on the dry side, but it also has a gorgeous aroma and fruitiness, so it seems to go well with French, Italian, and cheese-based dishes that do not have a strong flavor. After this, we will compare it with Koshitanrei, but more on that in the next post.
Good evening, Hori 😃. Kirinzan! We've never had it 🥲 but I'm looking forward to drinking it 😋 including the drinking comparison after this!
Thanks for your comment, Jay & Nobby 😊. Kirinzan may not be the most popular sake, but it's a refreshing Niigata-style sake 🍶The comparison was that we could hardly tell the difference 😅.