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Sake-no-wa Kansai Off-line Meeting (7) The seventh bottle was brought by Mr. Yoohee 🍶. First time in Fukuoka 🎉 "Yuma Unfiltered Nama Sake This was a brand I had never heard of before, but the other members cheered with anticipation ✨. The mouthfeel is clear with no cloying flavors and a sweet umami that permeates the body like clarity. The brewery's website describes it as "a sense of speed," and that's exactly what I imagined it to be like as it permeated my body 😊. I later checked online and found that the brewery was newly relocated last year, so I wonder if this is the first bottle? I heard that Yoohee-san was entrusted with this bottle by a member at the Fukuoka off-line meeting of Kake-no-wa, which he attended just before the event 😲. Thank you Yoohee-san and everyone at the Fukuoka Sake-no-wa Kai 😋!
Good evening, Jive 😊. This yuma was really delicious 😊💕Thanks to everyone in Fukuoka and the Sake no Wa circle for this one: ❣️
Good evening, Wakata 🌛. It was delicious ✨I was thinking a lot about whether water is good to be in my body 😆 I would like to cherish such a chance to expand our relationship 😊.
Gyve, good evening. ⭐︎ I'm glad you enjoyed the drink 💡. It's perfect for this hot season and I was shocked when I drank it for the first time too⚡️ I was actually thinking of having it for home, but decided to bring it along👍
Hi Yoohee! I didn't know you brought such a precious bottle😅. I'm sorry for giving you the opportunity to drink it, thank you again 🙇. I became a fan this time and I have high expectations for the future of the brewery 😁.