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Shinshu Kireiひとごこち純米吟醸
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In no time at all, the Hidakami was gone, and the last of the hard-to-find sake series, Shinshu Kamerei, was on hand. It didn't take long for the six sake lovers to get together. My relatives in Yamagata, a famous sake producing area, also gave it a great review❕👍️ I wondered how it would be for dry sake lovers as it has a bit of sweetness, but they were pleased with the depth and deliciousness of the sake 😋. It was worth all the trouble I went through to get it. They were very interested in Hitogokochi because they had never heard of this sake rice. ★★★★★
Hello, Morito Kuri 😃. When sake lovers get together, the pace picks up 😅. I know a lot of people say that Shinshu Kamerei is the best pure rice after all 🤗.
Hello Jay & Nobby 👋😃😃 A drinking party goes by so fast when it's good sake! I actually opened a bottle of Koikawa afterwards, but I don't remember 🤣.