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磐乃井はないずむ みどり特別純米原酒
えりりん🏠 Drinking ( -̀ -́ )୨⚑︎゛ Clear, crisp, no bitterness. Maybe the perfect food wine 😋🍖🍖😋. Both 🍖🥗 (*̀ ֊ ֊ ֊ ֊ ֊ ֊) و✧ After 3 days of opening the bottle It became sweeter and more to my liking🎶. Rice used is Ginga Yeast: Kyokai 601 Alcohol 13 degrees Celsius Personal preference among the four types: 2️⃣ Photo: 3️⃣ The famous Ishiwarizakura🌸
T.KISOGood evening, Erin! Morioka has cherry blossoms too! Ishiwari-zakura🌸I can feel the greatness of nature😆👍.
えりりんT.KISO-san konban-ha(o´ω`o)no~~ Suddenly it's in full bloom😳 I thought I was going to 🌸🍶💕 on my next vacation 💕~! The stones of Ishiwari-zakura are cracked beautifully. I'm glad I went because I don't usually see them up close 😊.
遥瑛チチGood morning, Erin 😃. I love the 4 sake comparison! I probably haven't had Iwanoi since I started drinking sake, but I'm suddenly interested in it: ❗️
えりりんHaruei chichi-san konbanhar(o´ω`o)no~~ Iwate's ranking didn't include "Iwanoi" 😅. But the bitterness that we don't like is moderate 😁. I finally finished 4 bottles ‼️ 2 weeks means I might not be able to drink it anymore 😂.