SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Hanamura純米吟醸 雄町純米吟醸
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木下名酒店 千里中央店
Today I had my favorite Hanayuup for the first time in a long time 😀. We compared it with Suitama, the sibling of Hanayu, which was opened the other day 😀. Actually, I was surprised to hear from someone I met at Sake-no-wa that the only difference between Hanayuup and Suitama is the rice used to make the sake, so I compared them... I was surprised to hear that the only difference between Hanayu and Suitama was the rice used to make the sake... 😅I thought Hanayu's Omachi was better than Suitama. Maybe I have a stupid tongue after all😅 I still have Hanamai's Junmai Ginjo Dewa Sanzu and Junmai Daiginjo Aizan in my fridge, so I would love to compare them 😀.
Hi Yasubeyesan 😃. We haven't had Suitama yet 🥲 but Hana Yuu's Omachi is very tasty👍. Looks like you have a well-stocked fridge 😄It will be a fun drinking comparison 🤗.
Hi Jay & Nobby! It is an interesting thing about sake, isn't it, that even if it is from the same brewery, the taste can be completely different just by using different rice and koji. But it is also wonderful that the unique taste of the brewery that runs through the base of the sake is still there.