AzumatsuruTHE ORIGIN
Saga/Takeo Onsen Hot Spring Collective Buy (5)
We are enjoying our 9th consecutive New Year's holiday, and this is our first "Azuma Tsuru" while having fun making Tsumami.
It has a slightly sweet, medium-bodied taste, but has the umami of Yamada-Nishiki. It is best served at room temperature or cooled down. It has a rounded taste without any cloying flavor.
Tonight's main dish will be salmon roe served on top of a bowl of rice in soy sauce. It goes well with ‼️ I think it will go well with sashimi in general.
I heard a light fizzing sound when I opened the bottle, so maybe the fizziness would be a little stronger if I drank it right after shipping.
It tastes like Saga sake and I am very satisfied with it. Thanks for the treat 😋.
Hello, Powan Powan 😃.
Congratulations on your first Tohtsuru-san ㊗️ 🎉!
Ikura donburi or something like that would definitely go well with it 😋.
I've got a mouthful of ikura donburi at once 😙.
Hi Jay & Nobby😊.
There are so many attractive sake breweries in Saga Prefecture, ...... Higashitsuru also had several bottles that I wanted to buy, and I was so worried about which one to give up 🤣.