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Fusano Kankiku電照菊 純米大吟醸 山田錦50 おりがらみ 無濾過生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過おりがらみ
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I knew it would be good because your reviews are all very positive. And this Denshogiku has a particularly good reputation. Plus, it's always the first recommendation on Sake-no-Wa, and there's never a day that goes by that I don't see it. To be honest, I'd rather not drink it because I'm an innocent person, but this time I finally got a push from my favorite liquor store and bought it! It's easy to understand, it's really delicious! That's what I thought when I took a sip! I see why its popularity is soaring! It's a sweet and juicy sake with a pine-like aroma, similar to Hanayo-Yoku in my opinion. I have the impression that EVOKE and La+ YACHIYO are quite similar. Despite the sweetness of the sake, the biggest surprise was that it didn't linger. It may sound strange to say it has a sharpness, but it is not persistent. I think I could drink this as much as I want. Thank you very much for the great taste.
Hi flos_lingua_est, Good evening🌆 This was delicious👍. I'm not sure how to describe it. I'm not sure how to describe it, but I'll try. It was a very beautiful sake.
Hi, Mr. Hillacchio. Good evening. Have you had this drink? It's delicious! It's a rare sake with a sweet taste that you can never get tired of, and it's a beautiful sake that makes me want to try drinking Kanchiku again!