I was captivated by the masterpiece and thought I would drink it someday.
Moreover, it is directly pumped.
Finally, I could drink it.
It smells like a light cemedine, but the sweetness and bitterness mix together in the deep part, and the acidity finishes it off immediately after.
It is somewhere between classic and modern.
I am gradually becoming more and more fond of this kind of sake, I think to myself.
Good morning, Maru 😃.
Congratulations on finally drinking your first Kitajima ㊗️ 🎉 We love our first Kitajima here too 🤗The modern chic flavor will draw you in 😙.
Good morning, Maru 😀
You are indeed ahead of us Maru senpai 😇.
We still can't seem to get away from sweet and fruity sakes 🤣.
I guess the hanpukai will be helpful in broadening our tastes 😇
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌖.
We are honored to be like your first North Island 😊Modern chic, that's an intoxicating expression! I thought it was very tasty. Looks like I've grown up a bit too 🤣.
Good evening, Yasbay 🌖.
If you ask me which I prefer, I still prefer the sweet and tasty type 🤭.
Like the hanpukai, it's intoxicating to drink sake you've never had before: ☺️