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Takasago Check-in 1Takasago Check-in 2
Takasago Check-in 3Takasago Check-in 4
This is the third drink at the standing drinking chuin last Wednesday. I was so pleased with the heated Kyokko that I decided to go for a little more warmed sake. On the shelf at room temperature, we found Takasago. I thought it was from the Fuji-Takasago Brewery in Shizuoka, but it was a regular sake from the Kiyamasa Brewery 😳. I had it lukewarm (probably lukewarm or top-heat). The appearance is crystal with a slight yellow tinge. The aroma is pleasantly fruity with a hint of cooked rice. The texture is similar to that of water. The smooth, sweet flavor is overtaken by sourness. The finish is light and crisp, with a nice lingering aftertaste. This is... (if I may be so bold as to exaggerate) a silky Jikin 😳. I felt it was so delicious. It was also delicious after it cooled down and became cold! This one was priced at a little over 2,000 yen for a bottle. I drank it slowly, thinking that if I ever visit Nabari City in Mie Prefecture, I will definitely buy a bottle to take home.